Drink, Listen, & Converse
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Peeps' Creek™ the Café

Listen to the Podcast

Ep. 79: What in the World, Carlee?!?!

In this episode, Sean and Denise just had to discuss the Carlee Russell saga. Now, full disclaimer, we recorded this before she admitted LYING!! So, some of the discussions is based upon the evidence (obviously, signaling that there was deception), but we discuss the case like we always do – from our point of view and with a little fun.

Stream wherever you listen to podcasts or on our website. Grab your favorite beverage, sit at our table, and DRINK, LISTEN, & CONVERSE!!!

You can watch the video (and get a transcription) here. You can also watch us on TwitchYouTube, or Facebook.

Don’t forget to give us a review. :-) 

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For All Audio, Video, & Social Links

Are you interested in stepping into the Café – don’t be shy! Send us an email or connect with us: we can discuss any topic you like, and it can be conducted virtually (all you need is a computer or cell phone)!! 

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