Drink, Listen, & Converse
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Peeps' Creek™ the Café

Listen to the Podcast

Episode 4 - Whose Success Is It Anyway?

On today’s episode, the Peeps discuss the Government Shutdown, Republican Steve King’s comments in a recent New York Times’ article, and his awkward (and not so smart) attempt to walk back the comments, and then we delve into discussing Whose Success is it anyway? We discuss how we define our level of success and get personal about some of our own fears, experiences, and views on how we attempt to become successful individuals…

It is a good thought-provoking conversation, and we really look forward to hearing any feedback you may have. Join the conversation on Instagram and Twitter (@PeepsCreek) or here on the website, peepscreek.com. Remember, here at Peeps’ Creek Cafe, you just have to grab your coffee, tea, water, juice, or adult beverage and: Drink, Listen, & Converse!!!