Drink, Listen, & Converse
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Peeps' Creek™ the Café

Listen to the Podcast

Ep. 31: One Punch Assault or Self Defense - the Brandon Joyner Story

Continuing with our A&E documentary Accused:  Guilty or Innocent; Sean & Denise sit down to discuss Episode 3 of the series. 

One punch assault or Self Defense — the case of Brandon Joyner a young man who witnessed a brutal attack on a disabled neighbor and who decides to intervene and throws a punch. Now Brandon is being accused of assault and battery with an aggravated nature and facing up to 20 years in prison. 

Join in on the conversation! Grab your favorite beverage, come sit at our table, and DRINK, LISTEN, & CONVERSE!!!



#accused #guilty #innocent #accusedguiltyorinnocent #brandon #aetv #aetvseries #aetvdocumentary #onepunch #selfdefense #trial #onepunchassault #selfdefensecase #trialpreparation #finaloutcome #Readingwiththepeeps #peepscreek #peepscreekcafe #drinklistenconverse #drink #listen #converse #twitch #youtube #apple #spotify #google #launchpad #podcasters #support